Saturday, 16 February 2013

London Fashion Week A/W13 Catchup

Hey guys!

Really sorry for my absence for the last few weeks, with work, relationship and preparing for London i really haven't had a chance to just breathe and take in some "Me time". So finally i am back, and it's my favourite time of the year: FASHION WEEK!

I know i haven't done my round up of my favourite looks from New York but i promise to catch up with that asap and also fill you in on my Valentines night out at the Kenzo store.

So here goes...My fav shows from the last 2 days at LFW

Markus Lupfer


Zoe Jordan 

I loved this collection, with its sharp cuts, use of hounds tooth, different textures and pop of pinks and orange, Zoe really is making a name for herself amongst the LFW crowd. Most of the pieces were definitely something i would like to channel. 

Bora Asku

Another favourite from the day...Why? It pretty much sums me up, LEATHER, LACE, FUR AND POWER SHOULDERS. Not only was there a mix of silhouettes too, but there was some amazing fur detailed jackets and i always love opaques on the runway ;) The synched in waist with the delicate lace and the neutral colour pallet vs the vibrant made for a winning futuristic collection. 

Felder Felder.

With a mixture of neutral tones (recurring theme pour LFW?) and burgundy, berry and olive tones, Felder Felder hit AW with a bang. With yet again more leather (I will never complain about too much leather) in burgundy and olive and mustard, furs, latex, velvet and some beautiful shapes and silhouettes. Felder Felder truly show they know the meaning of mixing textures. Please can i have the Calf hair and wool coat? Thanks. 

Sass and Bide

Sister Sibling 

Ok, if you follow me on twitter, you will know how OBSESSED i am with Sibling and Sister Sibling. So this is the show i am always really looking forward to, why? Because i never think knit designers get the accolade they deserve. Sister sibling attention to detail, fun and urban twist really represents british fashion, even when it's crazy pom pom balaclavas. I especially loved the  oversized rasta hats and scarfs. Winning collection through and through, and who doesn't love a designer that sends you down the runway in kickass sneaks? 



The best way i could sum this collection is...70's boho chic mixed in with native american modern day wind in the willows? AKA quintessential British winter look! I really enjoyed the show as i think it was miles away from what Issa have delivered before with its clean shapes and elegance. I love a designer who knows how to break out of a mould...

House of Holland 

Who has made a real impression for you guys at the moment? 

Is anyone else with me in thinking the models aren't looking particularly healthy this runway season? No offence but if i wanna see nice clothes i don't want to see it on someone who looks like they've been heroin deprived....

Until tomorrow guys!!!!! Who else is excited about Mulberry?!

Night night 


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