Thursday, 18 February 2016

Chanel Coco Handle

Evening guys!

Ah so there is a little story behind the new addition to my bag collection. Back in July I purchased the reintroduced (slightly re-modified for a modern touch) Chanel Coco Handle in navy with a burgundy Lizard handle. I know the HOLY GRAIL. It was love at first sight when I saw the model before it hit the shop floor and my heart sank even more when it was in my hands. It came in different variations, but for me the stand out was the Bordeaux with Navy and Bordeaux with Grey body. The grey sold super fast (the price point was a reasonable (when you take in that exotic leather is being used) £2100, the no lizard handle were £1890) so I jumped in. 

Sadly when I got home I started to panic. I am not one for exotics even if it is just a little splash for the long haul, but mostly my amazing (and fountain of knowledge) best friend Doreen told me I would struggle to use the handle because the moisture of my hand would deteriorate the lizard…not sexy at all having a bag that peels on the tube. I had a flash back of my training with exotics and kicked myself. So it went back the following day. I went in hoping to find the plain leather handle but that the thing with Chanel and a bag that is so cute and so vintage looking, it is going to fly off the shelf. Also with the strong presence of Instagram it seems it was a hot commodity in bag circles. Something I really didn't realise and don't tend to pay attention to (sidebar this is not a sly dig, I genuinely work from my gut and heart, not what is hot right now). So that was July and look how beautiful she was…

She went back, the bag sold out and if you were lucky and in the right Chanel at the right time you may have got your hands on one in-between July and now. Unfortunately I wasn't, nor was I actively going in and asking the girls. I am all about finding things fluidly and not looking desperate (another disclaimer: I don't think people are desperate but I have seen the effects of a MUST HAVE item and I never ever want to be one of those women. Patience is key.)

Cut back to a month ago when Act 1 of Spring/Summer landed. I knew this little bad boy was on the horizon again, but I was facing some serious dilemmas between the Coco come back and the Denim Reissue. I have a weakness for denim as you should all know. I told myself and the guys in Chanel if it was meant to be I would take the Coco, if not the reissue. Well it was meant to be…that's for sure! 

I really wanted the navy, and it was the navy that was available (I had before seeing this colour come across the medium in orange, black and beige but declined all. I believe you should never settle, especially with Chanel). I love this bag, it is so light, a little quirky and vintage but yet a firm classic. I know I'll get a lot of wear out of this. Now you're probably thinking "She's had that for a month and hasn't used it" Yes…I abstained, I obviously checked when I got home that everything was ok with the bag but it went back in the box purely because I can be well behaved and not need to used a bag straight away, also it does not help having creepy stalkers :(

So the long story is over and here she is…


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