Thursday, 3 July 2014

It's Dallas Baby!!!

When it was announced last year that the Chanel Métiers d'Art collection would take place in Dallas the fashion world revelled in excitement. Previous collections have ranged from Shanghai, Bombay to last years Edinburgh. I myself went to a state of "what will be" Crocodile and Snake skin accessories, tasselled jackets, leather and cowboy boots. Boy Chanel did not fail to deliver and treated their guests to a whole mid western experience. The show took place in a barn post guest arriving at a rodeo drive through. Sadly I never managed to go, but as the collection launched 2 weeks ago, we and dedicated Chanel clients were treated to a re-see and it was like being in Dallas  all over. I obviously had to go in my take on the modern day Dallas gal, leather and denim of course with a dash of pieces from the actual collection bought the day before.

Denim Shirt- Monki  
Leather front leggings- Surface to Air
Boots- Chanel Paris-Dallas
Leopard Clutch- Christopher Kane
Brooch- Chanel Paris-Dallas
Earrings- Chanel Paris-Dallas

As you can tell I had a prime seat at the end of the runway right ahead of the models. I love watching shows, it inspires me, gives me some ideas and makes me think of how I can twist a look to make it my own. The collection not only captured Dallas, it was a modern twist on Cowboys and Indians. It is amazing how Karl can transfer an era, a state and a whole mindset of a region into a collection and make it so desirable, tasteful and not at all tacky. The reason behind bringing Chanel to the states and Dallas specifically you ask? After the war, the states were the only people to back the comeback of Gabrielle Chanel in 1954 in Paris. Then in 1957 Coco arrived in Dallas to receive the Neiman Marcus award for Distinguished Service in The Field of Fashion. She spent 2 weeks in Dallas and in that time dazzled the Americans. 

Obviously I had my heart set on a few of the pieces that went down the runway, but alas my budget can't stretch that far so I had to swoon over my the shoes and accessories….oh it's a hard life right ;)

I absolutely love these boots, not only were they the main piece I wanted from this collection, but they were also the main shoes that went down the runway so I felt It was a nice runway piece to have in my collection. I love the intricate detailing, I feel it runs well with a lot of other collections Chanel have previously done and future collections (Dubai collection anyone?).

I originally wanted the high top version of these sneakers, but sadly they weren't available in the UK, so when I popped into Selfridges for a meeting I saw these and fell hard for them. I don't think I am a high top person any more so I feel like it was meant to be. These are velvet and so so comfy. A great addition to my growing sneaker collection. I cannot wait for the Autumn Winter sneakers to arrive next!

I am not usually big on buying costume jewellery as I have so much, but these Dallas pieces are definitely a collectors item in the future. They really capture the collection. i especially love my new sheriff brooch which I cannot wait to shoot on my new Zara Tweed jackets. Eeeek!

What do you guys think of the collection? Have you guys succumbed to any of the pieces? 

You can view the whole collection on Chanel website.

Thanks for reading.

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